Melle (Germany)
Melle is located in Germany, the Land of Lower Saxony. The municipal area consists of a number of separate small towns, which together with rural areas occupy 254 km². The population is approaching 50 000.
Melle boasts of developed machine manufactory and engineering, construction, wood processing, chemical and agricultural product processing industries. Due to its unique architectural and cultural monuments, it is also a popular tourist resort. Travellers are fascinated by the mountainous terrain and gorgeous scenery there.
Cooperation between the two cities began in 1993, when common interests united the German-Baltic society in Melle and the Latvian-German society of interests from Jēkabpils. They were joined by a desire to become better acquainted with the national culture of the partners; they aimed to organise a youth delegation and amateur ensemble exchange. They also envisaged the establishment of links between schools. A formal twinning agreement was signed on September 5, 1998 by the town mayor Leonids Salcevics at the popular Flower Festival in Melle.
Jēkabpils arts school and the gallery "Mans's" have also established fruitful and creative collaboration with Melle.
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